マット・ゲイツ議員は 倫理調査と論争のため 第119回議会の前に辞任した Rep. Matt Gaetz resigns before 119th Congress due to ethics investigation and controversy.
元Repp. マット・ゲーツ(R-FL)は,再選の勝利にもかかわらず,第 119回国会に参加しない. Former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) will not join the 119th Congress despite his re-election win. 彼は,次期大統領トランプ氏による司法長官の指名を受けた後,辞職した. He resigned after being nominated for Attorney General by President-elect Trump, a nomination he withdrew from due to controversy and an ethics investigation. 現在、One America News Networkで番組を主催しているGaetzは、法定強姦やその他の違法行為の申し立てに直面した。 Gaetz, now hosting a show on One America News Network, faced allegations of statutory rape and other misconduct. 彼の不在は,内閣議員の拍手で迎えられた. His absence was met with applause from House members.