アクシャイ・サチデヴァがシッキム州の新警察長官に任命され、その公共サービスが評価された。 Akshay Sachdeva appointed as new Director General of Police for Sikkim, praised for his public service.
シキム警察長官として, IPS 役員 アクシャイ・サッチデバが任命されました. IPS officer Akshay Sachdeva has been appointed as the new Director General of Police for Sikkim, succeeding AK Singh. 法と秩序の特別DGPに仕えたサハデヴァは,公益事業への献立を強調したプレム・シン・タング首相の祝辞を表明した. Sachdeva, who previously served as Special DGP for Law and Order, was congratulated by Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang, who highlighted his dedication to public service. 総理大臣は,前大臣のトゥー・トップ・ブチアの自宅も訪問し,哀悼の意を表明した. The Chief Minister also visited the home of former Minister Thutop Bhutia to offer condolences.