マレーシア・バーは,元PM-PMNijib Razakに対する減刑の請求を訴え,司法審査を求めている. Malaysian Bar appeals against reduced sentence for ex-PM Najib Razak, seeks judicial review.
マレーシア・バーは,旧首相ナジブ・ラザクの懲役と罰金の削減に関する当該弁済委員会の決定に異議を申し立てた。 The Malaysian Bar has filed an appeal to challenge the Pardons Board's decision to reduce the prison sentence and fine of former Prime Minister Najib Razak, who was convicted in the SRC International Sdn Bhd case. 弁護士団は減刑と罰金の正当性を異議申し立て,司法上の審査を開始することを目指しています. The Bar seeks to contest the legitimacy of the reduced sentence and fine, aiming to initiate a judicial review. 控訴裁判所は,異議申し立てが継続できるかどうかを決定します. The Court of Appeal will decide if the challenge can proceed.