タンパで新年の日に2件の銃撃事件が起き, 1人が死亡,1人が負傷した. Two shootings occurred in Tampa on New Year's Day, leaving one dead and one injured.
大晦日には1時43分頃にフロリダ州タンパでTly Ho Bar Roungeとグリルの外で1人が射殺された. On New Year's Day, a man was fatally shot outside Tally Ho Bar Lounge & Grill in Tampa, Florida, at around 1:43 am. 被害者は銃創で発見され 後に病院で死亡した The victim was found with gunshot wounds and later died in a hospital. ヒルズボロー郡保安官事務所が捜査中です チャド・クロスター保安官は 情報提供者を要請しています The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office is investigating, and Sheriff Chad Chronister has urged anyone with information to come forward. また,十代の少女がタンパで別の発砲で負傷し,命の危険のない傷を負った. Also, a teenage girl was injured in a separate shooting in Tampa, with non-life-threatening injuries. タンパ警察は,両事件を捜査しているが,関係はないとみられている. The Tampa Police Department is investigating both incidents, which are not believed to be related.