容疑者は西シアトルセーフウェイで 新年の夜 暴行の脅迫で逮捕された Suspect arrested after New Year's Day standoff at West Seattle Safeway involving assault threats.
容疑者は西シアトルセーフウェイで 逮捕された 新年の日に A suspect was arrested after a standoff at a West Seattle Safeway on New Year's Day. 事件は女性被害者への暴行事件で始まったが,その容疑者はメタンフェタミンの影響で短剣で脅かされたと伝えられている. The incident began with a reported violent assault on a female victim, whom the suspect allegedly threatened with a dagger while under the influence of methamphetamine. 警察は店内で容疑者を発見し、逮捕で終った交渉に至った。 Police found the suspect inside the store, leading to negotiations that ended with his arrest. 彼は医学的評価のために連れて行かれ、重罪の暴行、嫌がらせ、わいせつな自由で起訴される見込みです。 He was taken for medical evaluation and is expected to be charged with felony assault, harassment, and indecent liberties.