新年のイブにバーミンガムの職員とK-9が撃たれたが,容疑者は逃亡したままである. On New Year's Eve, a Birmingham officer and their K-9 were shot at; suspect fled, remains at large.
新年のイブで バーミンガムの警官と K-9パートナーが 容疑者に撃たれた On New Year's Eve, a Birmingham police officer and their K-9 partner were shot at by a suspect near Center Street and Graymont Avenue West. 容疑者は警官を複数の発砲し,発砲を返した. The suspect fired multiple shots at the officers, who returned fire. 警官もK-9も負傷していないが、彼らの車両は被害を負った。 Neither officer nor K-9 was injured, but their vehicle sustained damage. 容疑者は逃げ出して まだ逃走中 The suspect fled and is still at large. 容疑者が近くで2発の発砲と 関連があるか調べています Detectives are investigating if the suspect is linked to a nearby double shooting. 犯罪 の 停止 者 は , 逮捕 に 至る 情報 に 対する 報い を 与え ます。 Crime Stoppers offers a reward for information leading to an arrest.