フェラーリが台風でシドニーの家に衝突,運転士と乗客の負傷,元マーク・ブリスの自宅への損害. Ferrari crashes into Sydney house, injuring driver and passenger; damage to ex-Mark Bouris home.
フェラーリがシドニーのワトソンズ・ベイの家へ衝突し,56歳の男性運転手は軽度の頭部損傷,55歳の女性乗客は胸部に重傷を負った. A Ferrari crashed into a house in Sydney's Watsons Bay, injuring the 56-year-old male driver with minor head injuries and the 55-year-old female passenger with more serious chest injuries. 2人ともセントヴィンセント病院へ運ばれた. Both were taken to St Vincent's Hospital. 墜落現場は元金融の達人 マーク・ブーリスの家でした 被害は大きくなりました The crash site involved the former home of finance guru Mark Bouris, with significant damage to the property. 警察と救助隊は事故の原因を調査している. Police and rescue teams are investigating the cause of the accident.