バルドウィン公園の 男が自宅で 3人の親族を殺害した Man from Baldwin Park charged with killing three relatives, including two children, at home.
バルドウィン公園出身の男が,自宅で二人の子どもを含め,彼の親族3人を殺害したとして起訴された. A man from Baldwin Park has been charged with killing three of his relatives, including two children, at their home. 事件は家庭内の住居内で発生したため,容疑者の逮捕と起訴に至った. The incident occurred within the family residence, leading to the arrest and charges against the suspect. 報告書には動機及び状況の詳細は記載されていない. Details of the motive and circumstances are not provided in the reports.