タンパで火災で 4人と3匹の犬が死んだ後, 一人が殺人で起訴されました. A man has been charged with murder after a house fire in Tampa killed 4 people and 3 dogs.
タンパの近くの家火事で 4人と3匹の犬が死亡したことで 殺人容疑で起訴されました A man has been charged with murder following a house fire near Tampa that killed 4 people and 3 dogs. 被害者は 犠牲者となった 容疑者は 責任者だ The fire led to the tragic loss of lives, and the suspect is being held accountable. 事件の詳細は公表されていませんが,捜査は進行中です. The details of the incident have not been disclosed, but the investigation is ongoing.