インドの健康保険会社は,請求された1.2ラックドルの71.3%を支払った. Indian health insurers paid out 71.3% of claimed Rs 1.2 lakh crore, denying claims worth Rs 15,100 crore in 2023-24.
2023-24 財務省では,インドの医療保険業者が,主張されたRS 1.2 lak crollle の 71.3 % しか支払わ ず,RS 15,100 croll の価値を否定した. In fiscal 2023-24, Indian health insurers paid out only 71.3% of the claimed Rs 1.2 lakh crore, denying claims worth Rs 15,100 crore. 民間保険会社の保険料の割合は 88.7%で,公的保険会社の保険料の支払率は 103%でした. Public sector insurers had a higher claims payout ratio at 103%, compared to private insurers at 88.7%. 保険会社は3億件以上の請求を受け取り,その82%を処理しました. 保険料は1.07億円で,前年比20.32%増加しました. Insurers received over 3 crore claims, settling 82% by volume and processed premiums of Rs 1.07 lakh crore, marking a 20.32% increase from the previous year. 保険 弁理士に 医療 保険 苦情 の 3万4千件 以上 が 提出 さ れ まし た. Over 34,000 health insurance complaints were lodged with the insurance ombudsman.