AVG Logisticsはカイゼン・ロジスティックスの株式を取得し,年末までに主要セクターに拡大する予定です. AVG Logistics plans to acquire a stake in Kaizen Logistics to expand in key sectors by year-end.
AVG Logistics Limitedは,Kaizen Logisticsの重要な株式を取得する予定で,業務の連携を作り,FMCG,飲料,金属,工業化学品などのセクターでその範囲を拡大することを目指しています. AVG Logistics Limited plans to acquire a significant stake in Kaizen Logistics, aiming to create operational synergies and expand their reach in sectors like FMCG, beverages, metals, and industrial chemicals. この取得は,AVGの市場位置を強化し,運用能力を向上させるものと見込まれる. The acquisition is expected to enhance operational capabilities and solidify AVG's market position. Sumit Gargが率いる契約は2024/25財務年末までに完了すると予想されている. The deal, led by Sumit Garg, is anticipated to be completed by the end of the 2024/25 financial year.