ジュネーブで発生した国内事件で、13歳を含む2人の容疑者が逮捕された. Suspect arrested after two, including a 13-year-old, were killed in a domestic incident in Geneva.
木曜の夜、ジュネーブの国内事件で13歳の少年を含む2人が死亡した. In a domestic incident in Geneva on Thursday night, two people, including a 13-year-old boy, were killed. 警察はエマ道の2700ブロックに反応し,後に地方病院に死亡した被害者を発見した. Police responded to the 2700 block of Emma's Way and found the victims who later died at local hospitals. 容疑者は逮捕され,第一級殺人の4件の容疑で起訴された. A suspect was arrested and charged with four counts of first-degree murder. 容疑者の身分は公表されておらず,当局は前項の公表を拒もうとしている. The suspect's identity has not been released, and authorities are seeking to deny pretrial release.