ドバイの協議会は,フリーゾーンを通じて,経済発展と多様化の促進を目指す旨を新たに更新する. Dubai's council renews commitment to boost economic growth and diversification through free zones.
ドバイのフリーゾーン審議会 (DFZC) はドバイの経済成長と多様化目標の推進を目指す意欲を新たに更新した. The Dubai Free Zones Council (DFZC) has renewed its commitment to supporting Dubai's economic growth and diversification goals. 2024年度の会議で,この協議会は,海外投資の促進や技術の効率の向上など,2024年度の成功を強調した. During its recent meeting, the council highlighted successes from 2024, including improvements in attracting foreign investment and boosting operational efficiency through technology. 審議会は,今後10年間で市の経済を倍増させようとするドバイの経済計画の実現に,自由地帯の役割を更に強化することを目的としている. The council aims to further enhance the free zones' role in achieving Dubai's economic agenda, which seeks to double the city's economy over the next decade.