マニプルのCMは,国家法と秩序の改善を目指す約2000人の警察官の卒業を目指す. Manipur's CM highlights graduation of nearly 2,000 police recruits aimed at improving state's law and order.
マニプルの首相N・ビレン・シンは,国家の振興にはまだ挑戦的な状況に言及し,Assamのラチット・ボルフアン警察学校から2000人近い警察官の新入生の卒業が成功したことを強調した. Manipur's Chief Minister, N. Biren Singh, noted the improving but still challenging situation in the state and highlighted the successful graduation of nearly 2,000 police recruits from Assam's Lachit Borphukan Police Academy. 新入団者は,民族間の緊張を含め,国家の継続中の法律及び秩序に関する課題に対処するため,身体の健康,戦術的技能,国家統合の訓練を含め,44週にわたる厳しい訓練を受けた. The recruits underwent rigorous 44-week training, including physical fitness, tactical skills, and national integration exercises, to address the state's ongoing law and order issues, including ethnic tensions. シン氏は,訓練を容易にしたアサムの総理大臣に感謝し,コミュニティ間の団結の必要性を強調した. Singh expressed gratitude to Assam's Chief Minister for facilitating the training and emphasized the need for unity among communities.