CCPA罰金 Shubra Ranjan IAS 2万8, UPSCの試験広告を誤解させたこと. CCPA fines Shubhra Ranjan IAS Study $28,000 for misleading UPSC exam ads.
消費者保護庁は,Shubhra Ranjan IAS Studyに,UPSC公務員試験の成績に関する誤った広告を出したとして,罰金2ラップを科しました. The Central Consumer Protection Authority has fined Shubhra Ranjan IAS Study Rs 2 lakh for misleading advertisements about UPSC Civil Service Exam results. この広告は,生徒がどの科目を講じているかの指定なしに,高い成功率を主張し,創業者のShubra Ranjan夫人がISAの職員であることを虚偽に示唆した. The ads claimed high success rates without specifying which courses students took, and falsely implied that the founder, Mrs. Shubhra Ranjan, is an IAS officer. CCPAはこれらの誤った広告の廃止を命じた. The CCPA ordered the discontinuation of these misleading ads.