ケニアの高等裁判所は,新しい大学資金モデルを違憲と判断し,その実施を停止した. Kenya's High Court rules new university funding model unconstitutional, halting its implementation.
ケニアの高等裁判所は,ウィリアム・ルトー大統領が導入した新大学資金モデルを宣言した. The High Court of Kenya has declared the new university funding model, introduced by President William Ruto, unconstitutional and illegal due to its discriminatory nature and lack of public participation. チャチャ・ムウィタ判事は,法律上の要件が満たされるまで,モデルの実施の停止を命じた. Justice Chacha Mwita ordered a halt to the implementation of the model until legal requirements are met. この判決は,ケニヤ人権委員会などが,不平等なモデルは生徒を金銭的ニーズに依り,多くの生徒を高等教育から締め出すものと主張した後に起因した. The ruling came after the Kenya Human Rights Commission and others argued that the model unfairly categorizes students based on financial need and locks out many from higher education.