IT,金融,製造業等におけるUAE-日本投資の促進を図るため,地中海東京が発足. Investopia Tokyo launches to boost UAE-Japan investment in tech, finance, and manufacturing.
金融サービス,先進製造,技術技術などの新経済分野への投資に焦点を当てた対話イベントが東京で開催された. Investopia Tokyo, a dialogue event focused on investment in new economy sectors like financial services, advanced manufacturing, and technology, was launched in Tokyo. UAE 投資省,日本経済省その他のパートナーが組織したこのイベントは,150人以上の指導者及び専門家を魅了した. Organized by the UAE Ministry of Investment, Japanese Ministry of Economy, and other partners, the event attracted over 150 leaders and experts. )の目標は,UAEと日本との間の経済連携と投資機会の強化を目指す. It aims to enhance economic ties and investment opportunities between the UAE and Japan.