ナイジェリアの税関は,N229. 11Mの価値の密輸品を押収するが,裁判所は米の没収を制限する. Nigerian customs seize smuggled goods worth N229.11M, but court limits rice confiscation powers.
ナイジェリアの税務局 (NCS) は,米,水産物,使用用服,自動車を含むN229.11百万台相当の密輸品を,オグン州で押収した. The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has seized smuggled goods worth N229.11 million in Ogun State, including rice, cannabis, used clothes, and vehicles. 一方,カドゥナの控訴裁判所は,NCSは陸上市場又は高速道路で外国米を没収することができないと定めた。 Meanwhile, the Court of Appeal in Kaduna ruled that the NCS cannot confiscate foreign rice in open markets or on highways, only at land borders. この判決は、税関による控訴が却下され、613袋の外国産米、80袋のキビ、および輸入容疑で無罪となった実業家のスレイマン・モハメドからのトラックの解放を命じた後に行われました。 The ruling came after an appeal by Customs was dismissed, ordering the release of 613 bags of foreign rice, 80 bags of millet, and a truck from a businessman, Suleiman Mohammed, who was acquitted of import charges.