クリストファー・カヴァナフーは 3年以上にわたりバージニア州西部の 連邦検事を辞職した Christopher Kavanaugh resigns as U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia after over three years.
ヴァージニア州西地区の 連邦検事 クリストファー・カバノが 3年以上の任期を経て 辞任しました Christopher Kavanaugh, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia, has stepped down from his position after more than three years in office. 彼の任期は,詐欺と賄賂でスコット・ジェンキンスが有罪判決を受け,薬物メーカーに助言したマクキンシーに対する訴訟を含む,注目すべき事件によって特徴づけられました. His tenure was marked by notable cases, including the conviction of Scott Jenkins for fraud and bribery and a case against McKinsey for advising drug manufacturers. 妻のジャスミン・ユンが最近連邦地方裁判所判事に任命されたカバノー氏は、バイデン大統領、上院議員、司法長官の在任期間中の支援に感謝の意を表した。 Kavanaugh, whose wife Jasmine Yoon was recently confirmed as a U.S. District Judge, thanked President Biden, Senators, and the Attorney General for their support during his service.