オーロラ警察は,ギャングによる家宅侵入と誘拐事件で16人の容疑者を拘束,三人が釈放された. Aurora police held 16 suspects after a gang-related home invasion and kidnapping; three were released.
オーロラ警察は19人を拘束 ロウリーマンションの エッジでギャングによる家宅侵入と誘拐 Aurora police detained 19 people following a gang-related home invasion and kidnapping at Edge of Lowry apartments. インタビューの後,関与の欠如により3人が釈放された. After interviews, three were released due to lack of involvement. 事件は残りの容疑者と まだ捜査中です The case remains under investigation with the rest of the suspects still in custody.