Rocheの実験的なパーキンソン病の薬は,初回研究目標を欠いたにもかかわらず,早期患者に約束を与えた. Roche's experimental Parkinson's drug showed promise in early-stage patients, despite missing primary study goals.
Rocheの実験薬プラセヌズマブは,主な目標を満たさなかったにもかかわらず,ステージの中央で早期のパーキンソン病患者に潜在的な利益を与えた. Roche's experimental drug prasinezumab showed potential benefits for early-stage Parkinson's disease patients in a mid-stage study, despite failing to meet its main goal. パーキンソン病に関連したタンパク質を対象とした薬剤は,運動量の低下を遅らせる正の傾向を示し,服用率が高かった. The drug, which targets proteins linked to Parkinson's, demonstrated positive trends in slowing motor decline and was well-tolerated. Rocheは医療当局に相談し,次に掲げる治療の方法を決定する. Roche will consult with health authorities to determine next steps for the treatment.