ケヴィン・アンダーウッドは 10歳の女の子を殺害した罪で 45歳の誕生日に オクラホマで処刑された Kevin Underwood, convicted of murdering a 10-year-old girl, was executed in Oklahoma on his 45th birthday.
ケビン・レイ・アンダーウッドは,45歳の誕生日にオクラホマ州で致死注射で処刑され,米国で2024年の25回目の最後の処刑となった.アンダーウッドは2006年に10歳のジェイミー・ローズ・ボリンを殺害し,彼女をアパートに誘い込み,殴り,窒息させ,性的に暴行したことを認めた. Kevin Ray Underwood was executed by lethal injection in Oklahoma on his 45th birthday, marking the 25th and final execution of 2024 in the U.S. Underwood was convicted of murdering 10-year-old Jamie Rose Bolin in 2006, admitting to luring her into his apartment, beating, suffocating, and sexually assaulting her. 虐待と精神疾患の歴があるため 弁護士が恩赦を主張したものの 州の赦免・仮釈放委員会は 彼の要求を却下した Despite his attorneys arguing for clemency due to his history of abuse and mental health issues, the state's Pardon and Parole Board denied his request. アンダーウッドの法人チームが,仮出所委員会による手続の違反を主張して,米最高裁判所から執行猶予を求めたが,その請求は却下された. Underwood's legal team also sought a stay of execution from the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing procedural errors by the parole board, but the request was rejected.