タイの産業情勢は,観光と輸出に駆られて11月8月まで上昇したが,今後の見通しは不確実である. Thailand's industrial sentiment rose to an 8-month high in November, driven by tourism and exports, but future outlooks are uncertain.
タイの工業感情指数は11月に8か月連続で高値に達し,観光と輸出の改善により10月89.1から9.4まで上昇した. Thailand's industrial sentiment index hit an 8-month high in November, rising to 91.4 from 89.1 in October, due to improved tourism and exports, according to the Federation of Thai Industries. また,この増援は,年末の注文及び政令の支出によっても支持された. The boost was also supported by year-end orders and government spending. ただし,平成三年度の感情指数は,米国貿易政策,地政問題,最低賃金の増額計画に関する懸念により,96.7に低下した. However, the three-month sentiment index dropped to 96.7 due to concerns over U.S. trade policies, geopolitical issues, and plans to increase the minimum wage.