パンジャブの農家は,裁判所委員会を拒絶し,政府との直接協議を要請し,価格の支援や援助を要請する. Farmers in Punjab reject court committee, demand direct talks with government for support prices, aid.
パンジャブで抗議している農民は,最高裁判所の定めた委員会を却下し,中央政府と直接協議を図る. Farmers protesting in Punjab have rejected a Supreme Court-appointed committee, demanding direct talks with the central government. 農民たちは,無期限のハンガーストライキを続けているジャグジット・シン・ダレワール率いる 農民団が,農作物の最低支持価格の法的保証,債務免除,年金,警察の訴訟の撤回を求めています. The farmers, led by Jagjit Singh Dallewal, who is on an indefinite hunger strike, are calling for a legal guarantee of minimum support price for crops, debt waivers, pensions, and the withdrawal of police cases. 最高裁判所は,直ちにダリュフールに医療の配慮を要請し,農家から直接要求を受けることのオープン性を表明した. The Supreme Court has called for immediate medical attention for Dallewal and has stated its openness to receiving demands directly from the farmers.