トランプ元大統領は,大統領選を擁護し,批判を棄却したため,戦闘的な記者会見を開催した. Former President Trump held a combative news conference, defending his presidency and dismissing critics.
ドナルド・トランプは再選以来初の記者会見を開催した. Donald Trump held his first news conference since his reelection bid. 彼は経済への対応、世界的流行の反応、大統領としてのパフォーマンスを擁護した。 He defended his handling of the economy, the pandemic response, and his performance as president. またトランプ氏は,選挙期間中の行動について批判を発したが,彼のキャンペーンは不当な報道にあつたと主張する. Trump also addressed criticism about his behavior during the election, asserting his campaign faced unfair media coverage. 彼 は 自分 の 成し遂げ た 事柄 を 称賛 し , 批評 家 たち を 退け , その 出来事 の 間 ずっ と 自信 を 持ち , 戦闘 的 な 調子 を 保ち まし た。 He praised his achievements and dismissed his critics, maintaining a confident and combative tone throughout the event.