トランプはノースカロライナでの集会で 民主党が党大会での政策議論よりも 個人的な攻撃を優先していると非難した. At his North Carolina rally, Trump accused Democrats of prioritizing personal attacks over policy discussions at their convention.
ノースカロライナ州での集会で,元大統領トランプは民主党員を狙い,彼らの会議での政策議論よりも個人的な攻撃を優先していると非難した. In a North Carolina rally, former President Trump took aim at Democrats, accusing them of prioritizing personal attacks over policy discussions at their convention. 政策問題に焦点を当てようという顧問の助言にもかかわらず,トランプはバイデンを含む反対派に対する個人的な攻撃を擁護し,民主党全国大会演説でバラク・オバマが個人的な発言をしたことを批判した. Despite advice from his advisers to focus on policy matters, Trump defended his personal attacks on opponents, including Biden, and criticised Barack Obama for getting personal in his Democratic National Convention speech. トランプはまた,民主党が大会で経済,犯罪,国境などの重要な問題に焦点を当てなかったことに失望を表明しました. Trump also expressed disappointment that Democrats did not focus on key issues like the economy, crime, and the border during their convention.