ボリビアは未成年者の性的虐待の容疑で元大統領モラレスに対する逮捕状を発令した. Bolivia issues arrest warrant for ex-President Morales over alleged sexual abuse of a minor.
ボリビアの検察官は,15歳の少女を巻き込んだ性的虐待の主張に関する前エボ・モラレス元大統領の逮捕状を発表した. Bolivian prosecutors have issued an arrest warrant for former President Evo Morales over allegations of sexual abuse involving a 15-year-old girl. 令状は、モラレスが証言を拒み,司法の承認を保留している後に提出される. The warrant comes after Morales refused to testify and is pending judicial approval. モラレス氏は9月からチャパレの田舎に住み,不法行為を否定し,彼の後継者ルイス・アーセは,来年の選挙から彼を排除するために敵と陰謀を企てたと非難した. Morales, living in rural Chapare since September, has denied wrongdoing and accused his successor, Luis Arce, of conspiring with his enemies to bar him from next year's election.