NYPDの逮捕教授やNYUの学生は,Palestinianの抗議で図書館の閲覧を阻害した. NYPD arrests professors, students at NYU during pro-Palestinian protest that blocked access to library.
12月12日閲覧. ^ NYPDは,PeopleU's Bobst Libraryで少なくとも2人の教授と学生を逮捕,Palestinianの抗議を実施し,アクセスを阻害し,最終試験の実施を妨害した. On December 12th, NYPD arrested at least two professors and several students at NYU's Bobst Library after they staged a pro-Palestinian protest, blocking access and disrupting final exam preparations. 抗議者たちは、パレスチナの正義のための学生とパレスチナの正義のためのフォロワーティの1人であったが、解散を拒み、逮捕に至った。 The protesters, part of the Students for Justice in Palestine and Faculty for Justice in Palestine, refused to disperse, leading to arrests. NYUは,反ユダヤ差別に無関心だと主張した学生に未明の金額を支払うことに同意した. This follows a previous lawsuit where NYU agreed to pay an undisclosed sum to students who claimed the university was indifferent to antisemitic discrimination. この抗議はまた,イスラエルに縛られた企業にその投資を公布することを要求した. The protest also demanded the university disclose its investments in companies tied to Israel.