2歳児がアラバマ州のフェイエット郡で交通事故で死亡,他の2人は入院した. A 2-year-old died in a Fayette County, Alabama, car crash; two others were hospitalized.
2歳児が日曜日の朝アラバマ州フェイエット郡で単独事故で死亡した. A 2-year-old child was killed in a single-vehicle crash in Fayette County, Alabama, on Sunday morning. トヨタ・タコマが道路から外れて 木にぶつかって 幼児は現場で死亡しました The toddler, unrestrained, died at the scene when the Toyota Tacoma veered off the road and struck a tree. その 運転 手 は , シートベルト を 締め て い なかっ た の で , 二 人 目 の 乗客 と 同じく , UAB 病院 に 移送 さ れ まし た。 The driver, not wearing a seatbelt, was ejected and taken to UAB Hospital, as was the second passenger, who was airlifted there. 墜落事故はフィエレット郡73番地で、モリス墓地道路付近で発生し、アラバマ州法執行庁が調査中です。 The crash occurred on Fayette County Road 73 near Morris Cemetery Road, and the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is investigating.