5人(5歳と1歳を含む)がデカーブル郡のマンションで銃創で死亡. Five people, including a 5-year-old and a 1-year-old, were found dead from gunshot wounds in a DeKalb County apartment.
43歳の女性を含む5人,32歳,26歳,5歳の女の子,1歳少年がデ・ブランブル郡のマンションで銃乱射傷で死亡. Five people, including a 43-year-old woman, 32-year-old man, 26-year-old woman, a 5-year-old girl, and a 1-year-old boy, were found dead from apparent gunshot wounds in an apartment in DeKalb County. この事件は午後7時30分ごろに発生したが,家庭問題に係る殺人罪として扱われている. The incident, which occurred around 7:30 p.m., is being treated as a potential murder-suicide related to domestic issues. 当局は調査を続けています。 Authorities are continuing their investigation.