アイダホ州で子供たちの死で有罪判決を受けたロリ・ヴァローは、元夫の死と殺人未遂のアリゾナ州の裁判で自己弁護人を務めます。 Lori Vallow, convicted in Idaho for her children's deaths, will self-represent in Arizona trials for ex-husband's death and an attempted murder.
アイダホ州で子供たちの死で有罪判決を受けたロリ・ヴァローは、アリゾナ州での元夫の死と姪の元夫の殺人未遂を含む2つの陰謀裁判で自分自身を弁護します。 Lori Vallow, convicted of her children's deaths in Idaho, will represent herself in two conspiracy trials in Arizona, involving the death of her ex-husband and the attempted murder of her niece's ex-husband. 審査員選定は2025年3月に開始される予定です Found competent on December 5, jury selection is expected to start in March 2025. ヴァローは5年間法律を学び 弁護士の助言を受けていますが 裁判が始まれば 弁護士に戻ることはできません Vallow has studied law for five years and will have advisory attorneys, though she cannot switch back to counsel once the trials begin.