"ラブ・アイランド"で有名な 聴覚障害者のタシャ・グーリが "厳格に踊りなさい"で 競い合っている Deaf advocate Tasha Ghouri, known for "Love Island," competes on "Strictly Come Dancing."
"ラブアイランド"初の聴力競技者タシャ・ギリイは,今"ストリー・ザ・ダンス"を競っている. Tasha Ghouri, the first deaf contestant on "Love Island," is now competing on "Strictly Come Dancing." 26歳で耳が不自由で5歳で共鳴器の移植を受けたGwilliは,耳の不自由なコミュニティにインスピレーションを与えている. At 26, Ghouri, who was born deaf and received a cochlear implant at age five, has become an inspiration for the deaf community. 彼女はイギリスの様々なテレビ番組に出演し,小説を書き,そのプラットフォームを使って聴覚障害者問題に対する意識を高める. She has appeared on various UK TV shows, written a novel, and uses her platform to raise awareness about deaf issues. グーリさんは,リリーズ・キッチンの"Welcome to Lapland"キャンペーンとのパートナーシップを通じて,動物福祉の擁護者でもある. Ghouri also advocates for animal welfare through a partnership with Lily's Kitchen's "Welcome to Lapland" campaign.