聴覚障害者の"ラブ・アイランド"のタシャ・グーリーは "Strictly Come Dancing"で 聴覚障害者のコミュニティを代表して 振動に依拠して 競い合います Deaf "Love Island" contestant Tasha Ghouri competes on "Strictly Come Dancing," relying on vibrations and representing the deaf community.
"Love Island"の初となる ろうの参加者 Tasha Ghouriは 現在"Strictly Come Dancing"で 踊るのに 振動に頼っています Tasha Ghouri, the first deaf contestant on "Love Island," is currently competing on "Strictly Come Dancing," where she relies on vibrations to dance. 彼氏アンドリュー・ル・ペイジの浮気スキャンダルと"ストリクティの呪い"の懸念にもかかわらず,夫婦は関係に自信を持っている. Despite her boyfriend Andrew Le Page's past cheating scandal and concerns about the "Strictly curse," the couple remains confident in their relationship. 声障やリアリティテレビでの感情的な苦悩に 直面した課題を乗り越えて 聴覚障害者のコミュニティを 積極的に代表することを目指しています Ghouri aims to represent the deaf community positively, overcoming challenges related to her hearing impairment and emotional struggles during her reality TV experience.