ウォロンゴンは,湿気と涼しい沿岸水により予想外の海霧が起こり,視界が低下します. Wollongong sees unexpected sea fog due to humid air and cooler coastal waters, reducing visibility.
ウォロンゴンは明るい夏の日に予想外の海霧に遭遇し,崖の景色を遮断し,視界を減少させた. Wollongong experienced unexpected sea fog on a bright summer's day, obscuring views of the escarpment and reducing visibility. 霧は午後12時30分ごろに始まり,新州上空の湿気と海岸上流による冷たい水により引き起こされ,陸風が温かい空気を水面に押し込み凝縮を形成しました. The fog began around 12:30 PM, caused by humid air over NSW and cooler water due to coastal upwelling, with a land breeze pushing warm air over the water to form condensation. 気象庁は,海の風が吹かなければ霧は長持ちできると指摘した. The Bureau of Meteorology noted the fog could last longer if the sea breeze doesn't pick up. また、その日の後半にイラワラ地域でにわか雨や雷雨が発生する可能性がわずかにあると報告しました。 They also reported a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the Illawarra region later that day.