ラジオホストのマイク・エドワーズは 53歳で死去 ソーシャルメディアで共同ホストを発表 Radio host Mike Edwards, known as "Mike the Guy," died at 53, announced his co-hosts on social media.
マイク・エドワーズ, ミックス95.9の人気朝の番組"Two Girls and a Guy"で"マイク・ザ・ガイ"として知られるマイク・エドワーズは, 53歳で亡くなった. Mike Edwards, known as "Mike the Guy" on Mix 95.9's popular "Two Girls and a Guy" morning show, has died at 53. 共同主催者はインスタグラムで彼の死を知らせ,彼が仕事に行かなかったと記した. Co-hosts announced his passing on Instagram, noting he did not arrive for work as expected. 放送局のプログラム長でもあるエドワーズは14歳でラジオのキャリアを開始し,その仕事のために幾度も賞を受けた. Edwards, also the station's Program Director, started his radio career at 14 and was awarded multiple times for his work. 金曜日に追悼番組が放送されます A tribute show will air on Friday. 死因 は 知ら れ て い ませ ん が , ごく 自然 と 考え られ て い ます。 Cause of death is unknown but presumed natural.