74歳の男性が犬を散歩中、アナポリスのミニバンに打たれて殺された. A 74-year-old man was struck and killed by a minivan in Annapolis while walking his dog.
74歳のデビッド・チャンは11月28日午前7時25分ごろアナポリスで犬を散歩中、ホンダ・オデッセー・ミニバンに致死傷を負った. A 74-year-old man, David Chan, was fatally struck by a Honda Odyssey minivan while walking his dog in Annapolis on November 28 at around 7:25 a.m. 事件はシーダーパーク通りとウッドローン通りの交差点で起きた. The incident occurred at the intersection of Cedar Park Road and Woodlawn Avenue. チャンは通りを渡ってから、路上で意識不明の状態で発見された。 Chan was found unconscious in the roadway after being struck as he crossed the street. 彼の犬も重傷を負って 後に安楽死されました His dog was also severely injured and later euthanized. 捜査は進行中です。 The investigation is ongoing.