村の元警備員が 銃撃で死亡 原因不明 Former village guard found dead with gunshot wound in Chapper forests; cause of death unclear.
元村防衛隊員アショク・クマール (45) の遺体は 12月3日にウッダムール地区のチャッパー森で発見された. The body of a former Village Defence Guard, Ashok Kumar, 45, was found in the Chapper forests of Udhampur district on December 3. クマールは銃創と 303丁のライフルで発見されました Kumar was discovered with a gunshot wound and his 303 rifle nearby. 警察は死体を医薬品調査に持ち込み,事件を登録した. The police have taken the body for a medico-legal investigation and registered a case. 死因は捜査中です 彼が自分で撃ったのか 誰かに撃たれたのか The cause of death is under investigation, with details of whether he shot himself or was shot by someone else unclear.