62歳の女性がミシシッピの高速道路を歩いている間に車にぶつかって死亡した. A 62-year-old woman was killed after being hit by a car while walking on a highway in Mississippi.
メンフィス出身の 62歳のシェリー・ニコルソンは ミシシッピ州 マーシャル郡の高速道路302で 車にぶつかった A 62-year-old woman, Sherry Nicholson, from Memphis was killed after being struck by a car on Highway 302 in Marshall County, Mississippi, around 7:40 p.m. Sunday. ミシシッピ高速道路警備隊によると,ニッサン・マキシマの28歳の男性が負傷せず,起訴は保留されていない. The driver, a 28-year-old man in a Nissan Maxima, was not injured, and no charges are pending, according to the Mississippi Highway Patrol. ニコルソンは衝突の時に道路を歩いていた. Nicholson was walking on the roadway at the time of the collision.