クイーンズランド州 ロックハンプトンの警察の作戦中に 男がバルコニーから落ちて死亡. Man dies after falling from balcony during police operation in Rockhampton, Queensland.
37歳の男性がクイーンズランド州ロックハンプトンの警察の業務中に2階の裏庭から落ちた後死亡した. A 37-year-old man died after falling from a second-floor balcony during a police operation in Rockhampton, Queensland. 警察官は不法侵入事件でアルマ・ストリートに呼ばれ,相手と交渉しようとしたが,彼は倒れて,その後死亡したロックハンプトン病院へ運ばれた. Officers were called to Alma Street for a trespassing incident and attempted to negotiate with the man, but he fell and was taken to Rockhampton Hospital where he later died. 州の検察官は通知を受け,この事件は倫理基準委員会及び犯罪及び汚職委員会が調査している. The State Coroner has been notified, and the incident is under investigation by the Ethical Standards Command and the Crime and Corruption Commission.