オークパークの警官は、銀行の銃撃犯の対応中に撃たれて重傷を負った。拘留中の容疑者。 Oak Park officer critically injured after being shot during a bank gunman response; suspect in custody.
オークパークの警察官は、金曜日の朝、銀行を出るのを目撃された銃撃犯についての電話に続いて撃たれ、重傷を負った。 An Oak Park police officer was critically wounded after being shot on Friday morning following a call about a gunman seen leaving a bank. 警官はロヨラ大学医療センターに搬送され,左腕に銃創がついた. The officer was taken to Loyola University Medical Center with a gunshot wound to the left side. 容疑者は足も撃たれたし,同じ病院で警察の拘束を受けている. The suspect was also shot in the leg and is in police custody at the same hospital. 発砲の詳細及び容疑者の身元は公表されていない. Details of the shooting and the suspect's identity have not been released.