知事はJ&Kの繊維産業の支持を強く求め,地方の職人を強調している。 Lieutenant Governor urges support for J&K's textile industry at a sourcing fair, highlighting local artisans.
Manoj Sinha副知事は,ジャムムとカシミールの豊かな繊維の伝統を強調し,地方の職人を支援するよう全国的・国際的買い手に呼びかけた. Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha highlighted Jammu and Kashmir's rich textile traditions and urged national and international buyers to support local artisans. Sinhaは"Jammu&Kashmir Textile Souring Code 2024"の演説で,インフラ整備,財政支援,技能訓練を通じて,産業を向上させる政府の取り組みを強調した. Speaking at the "Jammu & Kashmir Textile Sourcing Fair-2024," Sinha emphasized government initiatives to boost the industry through infrastructure, financial aid, and skill training. 地方自治体と貿易協議会で組織されたこの博覧会は,市場とのつながりを育むためのビジネス会議,展覧会,ワークショップのプラットフォームを提供した. The fair, organized by local government bodies and trade councils, offered a platform for business meetings, exhibitions, and workshops to foster market connections.