ジャマイカ人兵士は,全国商業銀行を狙った47Mの詐欺容疑で逮捕した. Jamaican soldier arrested for a $47M phishing scam targeting the National Commercial Bank.
ジャマイカ国防軍兵士が、ジャマイカの全国商業銀行を狙った4億円の詐欺容疑で逮捕された。 A Jamaica Defence Force soldier was arrested for a $47 million phishing scam targeting the National Commercial Bank in Jamaica. 2022年4月から6月の間に行われた詐欺は,複数の銀行口座から資金を違法にアクセスし,他の機関に移した. The scam, which took place between April and June 2022, involved illegally accessing funds from multiple bank accounts and transferring them to other institutions. MACA及びCTOCを含む法執行機関は,この事件を調査し,兵士の住居の捜索中に電子機器を押収している. Law enforcement agencies, including MOCA and CTOC, are investigating the case and seized electronic devices during a search of the soldier's residence. チャージは間もなく予定されます。 Charges are expected soon.