法に基づく軍事支配に関する習近平の著書が出版され,中国軍は法律基準の勉強及び遵守を促す. Xi Jinping's book on law-based military governance is published, urging China's military to study and adhere to legal standards.
中国中央軍事委員会の議長である新華社による演説書が出版され,2012年から2024年までの法律に基づく軍事政権に関する意見が掲載された. A book of discourses by Xi Jinping, Chairman of China's Central Military Commission, has been published, covering his views on law-based military governance from 2012 to 2024. CMCは,すべての軍人及び兵士に,法に敬意と遵守を示す上級指導者に焦点をあて,書籍の勉強を促す. The CMC urges all military officers and soldiers to study the book, with a focus on senior leaders demonstrating respect and adherence to laws. 目標は,法の支配下における軍事能力の向上,防衛力の強化,軍事能力の強化を目的としている. The goal is to improve the military's ability to operate under the rule of law, enhancing defense and military capabilities.