16歳の少年が 1級殺人で起訴された バージニア州スコットビルで 大人が死亡 A 16-year-old is charged with first-degree murder after an adult man was found dead in Scottsville, Virginia.
16歳の少年が、月曜日にスコットスビルの自宅で発見された大人男性の死亡後、ヴァージニアのフロンナ郡で第一級殺人容疑で逮捕され,起訴された。 A 16-year-old boy has been arrested and charged with first-degree murder in Fluvanna County, Virginia, following the death of an adult man discovered at a home in Scottsville on Monday. 容疑者と被害者は 互いに知られていた The suspect and victim were known to each other. 少年は 司法妨害と警察逃走の罪も 課せられています The teenager is also charged with obstruction of justice and eluding police. 当局は,地域社会への脅威はないと述べている. Authorities have stated there is no threat to the community.