東エル・パソのペブルヒルズ司令部は,不審事項により短期間閉鎖されたが,その後再開された. East El Paso's Pebble Hills Command Center was briefly closed due to a suspicious item, but it has since reopened.
東エルパソのペブルヒルズ地方司令部は,駐車場で不審事項が発見された後,一時閉鎖された. The Pebble Hills Regional Command Center in East El Paso was temporarily closed after a suspicious item was found in its parking lot. エル・パソ警察の爆弾処理班が調査し,それが脅威ではないと判断した. The El Paso Police Department's Bomb Squad investigated and determined it was not a threat. 施設は再開されました The facility has since reopened.