資格のない飲酒運転士が双子の兄の免許証を使って逮捕され,複数の容疑に直面する. A disqualified drink-driver was caught using his twin brother's license and faces multiple charges.
47歳のシドニーの男性は,飲酒による有罪判決が確定するまで2029年まで免許を剥奪されたが,酒を飲用し,双子の兄の免許証を使って逮捕された. A 47-year-old Sydney man, whose license was disqualified until 2029 due to a prior drink-driving conviction, was caught drink-driving and using his twin brother's license. 呼吸試験に合格した後,彼は双子の兄弟であることを主張したが,後に弟の免許を行使したことを認めた. After failing a breath test, he claimed to be his twin brother, but later admitted to using his brother's license. 彼は、失格期間中の運転、低域飲酒運転、虚偽の名前と住所の記載、および運転免許証の不正使用で起訴されています。 He faces charges for driving during a disqualification period, low-range drink-driving, stating a false name and address, and fraudulently using a driver's license. 警察は弟の免許を取得する方法を捜査している. Police are investigating how he obtained his brother's license.