スウェーデンは,喫煙率5.3パーセントの「スモックフリー」社会となり,より安全なタバコの代替手段を活用する. Sweden becomes first 'smoke-free' society with 5.3% smoking rate, using safer tobacco alternatives.
スウェーデンは,喫煙率が5.3パーセントで,煙のない社会を初めて実現した国となった. Sweden has become the first country to achieve a smoke-free society, with a smoking rate of just 5.3%, thanks to its policy of promoting safer tobacco alternatives like snus and vaping. このアプローチは,教育及び比例税を含むが,EUの平均と比較して,喫煙関連疾患の発生率を著しく低下させた. This approach, which includes education and proportional taxes, has led to significantly lower rates of smoking-related diseases compared to the EU average. スウェーデンのモデルは,他の国が喫煙とその健康への影響を軽減する助けになるかもしれないと、保健支援者は言う. Health advocates say Sweden's model could help other countries reduce smoking and its health impacts.