元バンクーバー警察の巡査部長は,性的暴行の被害者を批判したことで懲戒した. Former Vancouver police sergeant disciplined for criticizing sexual assault victim.
懲戒調査の結果,以前バンクーバー警察のドサンジュ巡査部長が,他の警察官による性的暴行に関する同僚の法廷証言について,無礼なコメントを交わしたことが明らかになった. A disciplinary investigation found that a former Vancouver police sergeant, Dosanjh, shared disrespectful commentary on a colleague's court testimony regarding her sexual assault by another officer. 被害者を"悪い酔っぱらい"と呼び,この事件の有効性を疑ったコメントは,性的暴行の主張をする女性について共通の神話を反映していることがわかった. The comments, which called the victim a "bad drunk" and doubted the case's validity, were found to reflect common myths about women making sexual assault claims. Dosanjhは信用できない行為をしたと考えられていたが,更に多くの上級役員に対する苦情は不服と見なされた. Dosanjh was deemed to have committed discreditable conduct, while complaints against a more senior officer were unsubstantiated. この決定は,被害者の勝利とみなされ,内務省の文化改革への一歩とみなされた. The decision was seen as a victory for the victim and a step toward changing the culture within policing.