ウィスコンシン州カービー湖でカヤリング中17歳が溺死し,翌日に彼の死が確認された. A 17-year-old drowned while kayaking on Kirby Lake in Wisconsin; his death was confirmed the next day.
ミネソタの17歳の少年が土曜にウィスコンシン州西部のキルビー湖で溺死した. A 17-year-old Minnesota boy drowned while kayaking on Kirby Lake in western Wisconsin on Saturday. 数回の911の通報で 助けを求める叫びがあった ダイバーは ミネソタの病院へ 空輸された少年を発見し回復した After multiple 911 calls reported screams for help, divers found and recovered the teenager, who was airlifted to a Minnesota hospital. 彼を救う努力にもかかわらず,翌日ヘネピン郡医薬品局によって死亡と宣告された. Despite efforts to save him, he was pronounced dead the next day by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office. 事件は調査中です The incident is under investigation.