ミシガン州ストルギスタウンシップの2歳児が死亡し,母親が殺人容疑で逮捕された. A two-year-old in Sturgis Township, Michigan, died, leading to the mother’s arrest for manslaughter.
2歳児がミシガン州ストールギスタウンシップで死亡し,過失致死容疑で子どもの母親を逮捕させた. A two-year-old child died in Sturgis Township, Michigan, prompting the arrest of the child's mother on charges of involuntary manslaughter. 非常用サービスは,メモリー・レイン・トレイサー公園の幼児の反応不調についての通報に反応したが,現場で死亡と宣告された子どもを復活させることは出来なかった. Emergency services responded to a call about an unresponsive toddler at Memory Lane Trailer Park but were unable to revive the child, who was pronounced dead at the scene. 母親は現在 セントジョセフ郡ジャイルで拘留中であり,調査は継続中である. The mother is currently in custody at the St. Joseph County Jail, and the investigation is ongoing.